About Upcycling

Upcycling consists in the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value.

The goal of upcycling is to prevent wasting potentially useful materials by making use of existing ones. This reduces the consumption of new raw materials when creating new products. Reducing the use of new raw materials can result in a reduction of energy usage.

I have always been drawn to paint on furniture, and ever since I moved to Barcelona, I have been finding a lot of furniture in the trash, which, with a little work, can have a second life, as a nicer piece of furniture, or as a piece of art, you decide. So I studied furniture restoration and got to work. I have been gathering pices here and there, and have like 3 pieces lined up and waiting to be transformed.
I like the whole process of cleaning and fixing furniture in order to have a nice and smooth surface to work on. The graphic part, the inspiration, comes from everywhere. From everywhere I look, listen, read, taste. I love to work on furniture because it has so many little parts and surfaces, it is a 3D painting with drawers, doors, legs, which help me a lot on finding the exact picture and colors. The picture depends a lot on the piece, and the shape and texture it has.